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Turn Around

  • Turn Around
  • Turn Around
  • Turn Around
  • Turn Around
  • Turn Around
  • Turn Around
  • Turn Around
  • Turn Around
  • Turn Around
  • Turn Around
  • Turn Around
  • Turn Around
  • Turn Around
  • Turn Around

The program honors a student at each grade level in the middle and high schools who have shown a dramatic achievement in at least two of the following areas:

a. attendance

b. attitude (marked by reduction in numbers of referrals)

c. grades (improvement in grades, not necessarily the highest grades)

d. citizenship (school involvement)

Principals, with the input of guidance counselors and teachers, recommend a student in each grade level whose behavior and grades have shown a marked improvement this school year (or from one year to the next).

Each Turn Around student were celebrated at their schools with a meal provided by FUTURES. Each student received a certificate signed by the School Board Chair & Superintendent. 

Many of the Turn Around students have not received positive recognition in the past. Therefore it is our goal that they be reached, motivated, and rewarded as they turn their lives around!

Check out the list of our 2024 Turn Around award winners here!

Check out the list of our 2023 Turn Around award winners here!

Check out the list of our 2022 Turn Around award winners here!

Check out the list of our 2021 Turn Around award winners here!