FUTURES Foundation Board of Directors announces match challenge for donations to the James T. “Tom” Russell Scholarship Fund

The Board of Directors of FUTURES Foundation for Volusia County Schools has announced a match challenge of $25,000 for the James T. “Tom” Russell Memorial Scholarship Fund, according to Board President Robert “Bob” Ludlow, Jr. of SunTrust, now Truist.
FUTURES Foundation recently established this endowed memorial scholarship fund which will provide an annual scholarship opportunity to Volusia County public high school seniors who plan to seek an education degree to become teachers. “Mr. Russell was an outstanding educator with 28 years of dedicated service in Volusia County Schools and always was a strong advocate for our Foundation,” stated Ludlow. “After his passing in December from Covid-19, our Foundation Board wanted to honor his memory through the establishment of an endowed scholarship fund. It is our intention to raise enough funds so the fund will provide several scholarships each year into perpetuity.”
Since inception, fellow educators and community leaders have donated more than $5,200 to the fund. “Our Board of Directors and Foundation have personally and corporately pledged a combined $25,000 match challenge to be applied to new donations to the fund to achieve an endowed level more quickly,” Mr. Ludlow continued. “Our match challenge will apply to donations made until $25,000 has been matched or through April 30 whichever occurs sooner. We hope our community will continue to support this scholarship fund which will benefit our public high school seniors wanting to become teachers.” Online donations may be made by clicking the scholarship fund link in the top left banner at www.FUTURESVolusia.org or by mailing a check payable to FUTURES, Inc., 3750 Olson DR, Daytona Beach, FL 32124.
FUTURES Foundation is a nonprofit, direct support organization founded in 1985 to support Volusia County Schools. Its mission is to engage business and civic leaders to promote and achieve educational excellence for Volusia County Public Schools. The Foundation’s 26-member board of directors consists of area business and civic leaders who direct and raise funds to facilitate a variety of programs benefitting teachers and students within public schools.
For more information about the match challenge or FUTURES Foundation, please contact Executive Director Cynthia Ramirez at (386) 255-6475, ext. 50730, caperric@volusia.K12.FL.US or visit its website at www.FuturesVolusia.org.

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