FUTURES Foundation hires Program Coordinator for its Take Stock in Children Program

DAYTONA BEACH, FL – FUTURES Foundation for Volusia County Schools has hired Elizabeth Falero, Daytona Beach, as its Take Stock in Children (TSIC) Student Services and Mentor Coordinator.
Mrs. Falero will be responsible for all operations relating to the Volusia County Take Stock in Children mentoring and scholarship program. Mrs. Falero attended the University of Florida where she received her Bachelor’s Degree in Criminology. Prior to joining TSIC, she served as the Court Services Officer for Volusia County Teen Court, managing cases referred to the Teen Court Program and assisting the Teen Court Coordinator with managing teen volunteers.
Take Stock in Children of Florida was established in 1995 as a non-profit organization in Florida that provides a unique opportunity for deserving low-income students, many from minority families, to escape the cycle of poverty through education. TSIC offers students college scholarships, caring volunteer mentors and hope for a better life. FUTURES’ TSIC scholars are selected in the eighth grade through an application and selection committee review process. TSIC scholars are paired with a volunteer mentor who meets with their student for 30 minutes each week on school campus beginning in the ninth grade. TSIC’s comprehensive services include students’ transition into college.
TSIC scholars must maintain a weighted cumulative GPA of 2.5 and maintain good citizenship (no drug, alcohol, crime or gang activity). Upon achieving these goals and graduating high school, they are awarded a four-year college tuition Florida Prepaid scholarship. The Stanley G. Tate STARS Scholarship Program within the Florida Prepaid Foundation currently provides a dollar for dollar match of locally raised scholarship donations to assist FUTURES with the purchase of these scholarships thereby doubling a donor’s gift.
For more information about mentoring or matching donation opportunities, please contact FUTURES Executive Director Shimene Shepard at 386.255.6475, ext. 50730.
FUTURES Foundation for Volusia County Schools
3750 Olson DR, Daytona Beach, FL 32124
(386) 255-6475, extension 50730 email: sashepa1@volusia.k12.fl.us
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